CCBulls is proud to present the planned breeding between Ch. Proud Heroes X-men Nightcrawler aka Kurt and CCBulls Mia Zapata aka Minta.
8 puppies was born 21st August 2017.
Pedigree of the puppies: Proud Heroe’s X-men Nightcrawler x CCBulls Mia Zapata
The breeding is approved through American Bulldog Club Norway (ABKN). The breeding fulfills all breeding restrictions set by the Norwegian breedclub, except dispensation for lacking mentaltest on the male. The male is located in Germany where there’s limited access for American Bulldogs to be mentaltested. All documentation on health is sent to ABKN who can verify the listed healthstatuses and validate the documents.
The goal of the combination between Kurt and Minta is to create healthy American Bulldogs who are easy to work, handlersoft and easy learners, with medium drive and good prerequisites for dogsports with the main focus for obedience. It is expected that the dogs will be medium sized American Bulldogs of hybrid type with correct structure, good bone, reverse scissors bite, and probably a somewhat short muzzle for the Standard type show ring.
Ch. Proud Heroe’s X-men Nightcrawler aka Kurt
CCBulls Mia Zapata aka Minta
The combination is thought to be a good match mentally as they are both outgoing and social dogs. Kurt’s independence and self-confidence are expected to cover for Minta’s handler dependence and lack of courage in the mentaltest moments of surprise and shot.
It is expected that the puppies will get a high willing to please, be easy learners, have a good bulldog expression, and enough flexibility to possess the speed and body restraint needed for use in dog sport. In this combination, it is desirable to get dogs that are somewhat handler soft and controllable with low to medium drive. Most likely, the offspring will have the need of a high level of activation but at the same time be social and adaptable, and fit well into an active family life.
Concerning health, the parents are both tested for the known hereditary disorders within the breed and both dogs are free of all the disorders they have been tested against, please see specification below the dogs. There is no knowledge of other weaknesses in health on Kurt or Minta. Both dogs are well pigmented, have a good size on teeth and rewerse sissorbite. Mita has a full set of theeth, Kurt misses P4. Both Kurt and Minta have a correct exterior without major errors and a well balanced body that is suitable for work. Kurt’s best show placement is Best in Show at ABNA confirmation show and Minta’s best showplacement is 1st place at ABNA confirmation show.
The puppies will live indoors and be socialized both in the daily indoor life, but also by meeting different humans of all ages, dogs of different races, visiting the stables, city-walking, checking out statues and fountains, car and bus rides, and visit cafes etc.
Puppies from CCBulls are sold at the earliest after full 8 weeks, including:
Purchase Agreement
Pedigree from NKC
DNA test, value NOK 3.125, –
Performed deworming program
Veterinary Check
Thorough socialization
Puppy mental test, value NOK 250, –
Follow-up and counseling the whole dog’s life (this is a service reserved for own puppy buyers)
Access to CCBulls Kennel gatherings
Theory course at Lundqvist Hundeskole, value NOK 1,000, –
Equipment like: puppy harness, collar, leade, food bowl etc, value about NOK 500, –
Food for the first days of the puppy in a new home
Carpet that smells of mother and litter sister
The dog book “About behavior and learning – for dog owners” value NOK 249, –
Covered mental test with CCBulls mental tester, at about 2 years age, value NOK 1,200, –
Covered x-rays, at about 2 years of age at CCBulls veterinarian, value about NOK 4,000, –
Price for puppy; NOK 15,000, – Included deposit of NOK 5,000, – (Payd deposit is a precondition for reservation of puppy)
- Puppies sold to countries outside of Norway will as well need a passport, and to countries who demand rabies shots, the pup needs to stay at CCBulls for 21 days extra after the vaccine.
Information about Ch. Proud Heroe’s X-men Nightcrwaler aka Kurt
Name: Proud Heroe’s X-men Nightcrawler
Call name: Kurt
DOB: 28. May 2015
Size: 40 kg
Hips: Free (A)
Elbows: Free (0)
Spondylosis: Free
NCL: Free
Ichtyosis: Free
Heart: Clear (0)
Healthstatus: No known diseases
Mentaltest: Not preformed mentaltest
Bite: Missing P4, reverse sissorbite
Confirmation show: NKC Champion
Pedigree: Proud Heroe’s X-men Nightcrawler
Kurt is a male high in confidence who is very outgoing and friendly. Likes all people and are friendly and open if people talk to him, otherwise aloof. Very friendly around kids and while playing with kids he is very gentle. He goes along well with males and female dogs. Middle to high preydrive, when in prey, still social and controllable . Medium playdrive and workdrive. He is easy to get motivated, and can take preasure if is in drive, usally more handler soft. He has a medium and well balanced guard instinct that is controllable. Kurt has no sound sensetivities with sharp and loud noices.
Information about CCBulls Mia Zapata aka Minta
Name: CCBulls Mia Zapata
Call name: Minta
DOB: 9. July 2014
Size: 30 kg
Hips: Free (B)
Elbows: Free (0)
Spondylosis: Free
NCL: Free
Ichtyosis: Free
OCD: Free
Healthstatus: No known diseases
Mentaltest: Preformed MH
Bite: Full set of teeth, reverse sissorbite
Confirmation show: 1. Placement ABNA
Pedigree: CCBulls Mia Zapata
Minta is an energetic, lively and patient dog who is very social and fond of adults and children of all ages, regardless of whether they are known or strangers. She goes along well with males and female dogs. Minta learn easily and has a very high motivation for work and a big willing to please. She is medium in prey and social drive and is controllable by command. Minta is trained in obedience, agility and weightpull. She has a low, but well balanced guard instinct that is controllable .
More about Minta: CCBulls Mia Zapata aka Minta
Information if interested:
CCBulls survey all interested parties both by questionnaire by mail, and a personal meeting. This is to map out your wishes for the puppy’s characteristics so that CCBulls can pick out the puppy that best fit your future plans.
If this combination fits your wishes, you will be placed on a temporary puppy list. After the puppies are three weeks of age, the final reservation of the puppy is made by paying part of the purchase price as an unrecoverable deposit. Deposit will be paid only after the buyer has read and accepted the purchase contract and its addition, and reservation is only valid upon receipt of the full deposit. The deposit is refundable only if the possibility of sale should expire from CCBulls side.
Selection of a certain puppy will not be possible until after the puppy’s mental qualities are mapped in the puppy mental test at seven weeks (+ -2 days) of age. CCBulls will then assign puppies of choice for the individual, based on the mental characteristics of the puppy combined with the wishes and future plans that have been provided through the questionnaire.
The puppy is paid in full at pickup at the latest, which can take place no earlier than eight weeks. CCBulls does not sell puppies on downpayment.
Please contact mail; Bulldogdama @ if you have any questions, and for receiving a questionnaire if you are interested.
Pictures of the puppies wil be uploaded to this site; Picture gallery puppies 2017 and in the facebook gallery: CCBulls Pulp Fiction litter 2017
Picture gallery of Kurt
Picture gallery of Minta